BDO Codex - the most complete and up to date database for the game! Login. 11 LT: Inventory Weight: LT: Ingredients Weight: 0. Recipe Processing/Heating Skill level: Beginner 0. - Manos Stone - Crafting Result. Beter Recipe and stats would be, BMC Precision, Rare Drop, 10 Magical Shards, Magic Crystal of Infinity - MP Recovery, and Magic Crystal of Infinity - Absorbsion. Magical Shard x3 Old Moon Alchemy Catalyst x10 Black Stone (Weapon) or Black Stone (Armor) x100 - How to Obtain: Purchase from Old Moon Managers found in each town. if u wnat ALOT of shards fast id recommend going too the 2 giant wheat fields near the bottom right of the map. At higher skill levels you can use less materials and get more products. 5%). He plays both awakened Witch and Ranger. ) Critical Hit. - Crafting Method: Processing (L) - Heating- Usage #1: Craft Concentrated Magical Black Stone (Weapon)(Enhance PRI (I) or higher weapons)- Crafting Materials:Sharp Black Crystal Shard x1Black Stone (Weapon) x2- Usage #2: Craft Flawless Magical Black. Register Restore password Login. Products per craft: Market price of 1 product: Cost price: 0. Magical Shard. Warehouse Capacity: 1. This insane Magic Shards farming video shows you exactly how to get over 200 Magic Shards per minute! Any faction, any time, and it's easy too!1 required material, Magical Shard, has been considered a “bottleneck” in the past due to Black Magical Crystals being on pre-order. 90~115. 845 = 101. 10 LT. - Concentrated Offin Tett Crystal. Right-click the materials in your Inventory to select them and press the “Start” button to begin processing! Required Items. 1 - Resplendent Dim Tree Spirit's Armor Reform Stone IV. - Magical Shard. . Weight: 0. Recipe Processing/Heating Skill level: Beginner 0 - Crafting Materials. . 1 - Moonlight Opal: NOTE: In the Black Desert the craft is heavily. Recipe Processing/Heating Skill level: Beginner 0 - Crafting Materials. - Similar Items. BDO Streams. Grinding 2 of these will yield 1-5 Black Stone (Armor). -. Processing (L) Simple Alchemy: Black Stone x100 (Weapon or Armor) Yona’s Fragment x1 (Yona’s Fragment Guide) Old Moon Alchemy Catalyst x10 (Pearl Shop, Attendance Reward, or 3. This is possible without prerequisites. Products per craft: Market price of 1 product: Cost price. Weight: 0. If you found this useful then please share it with your friends and allies in BDO. Obtainable Items. 2 are Heated with 1 Hard Black Crystal Shard to create a Concentrated Magical Black Stone (Armor) Black Stones can be obtained via rare drop from many different. Quantity: In-game market price: Total weight of materials: 0. Magical Shard; ID: 559. - Magical Shard. Join. In terms of magical shards pretty sure its the same rate regardless of the BMC 1-2 per crystal. Imperial alchemy in general is just bad in terms time/money. 35 LT. Magical Shard. Silk Thread Flax Thread Cotton Yarn Sun-Dried Salt Salt Distilled Water Magical Shard Brilliant Opal Blue Crystal Violet Crystal Platinum Ingot Melted Platinum Shard Gold Ingot Melted Gold Shard Silver Ingot. Quest NPC: <Chorong Merchant> Hyeon-yong. 1 - Black Magic Crystal - Sturdiness - Crafting Result. Plenty of really great events. - Magical Shard. 1 - Resplendent Dim Tree Spirit's Armor Reform Stone III. Black Magic Crystal - Adamantine. At higher skill levels you can use less materials and get more products. Products per craft: Market price of 1 product: Cost price. Products per craft: Market price of 1 product: Cost price. 0. [Event] Fragment of Depleted Magic x1. ※ Press RMB to start transfusion. 10 - Concentrated Magical Black Stone (Weapon) 50 - Memory Fragment. Critical Hit -X. ※ Crystals can be transfused via the Black Spirit. At higher skill levels you can use less materials and get more products. It is used to make certain orange-grade hoes and magic crystals. Quest complete conditions. Recipe Processing/Heating Skill level: Beginner 0 - Crafting Materials. Whenever I am here, I think of you. Quantity: In-game market price: Total weight of materials: 0. the price is peaking now, Wait 1-2 years till they drop back. It is commonly referred to as "Crystallized Despair. Chance of obtaining: 100. Recipe Processing/Heating Skill level: Beginner 0 - Crafting Materials. That day, a brilliant star in the sky faded to. BDO Streams. Looks like most all the Manos gear requires shards to make, where you have to melt yellow grade black magic crystals to get them. Craft calculator. Knowledge: - Magical Shard. General. 1x Mass of Pure Magic. - Magical Shard. “Old Moon’s Resplendent [Weapon/Armor]: [Boss Name]” Shai “Sol” Talent weapons cannot be exchanged or. 1. Magical Shard. 18 Hours ago 4 45. 146. - Personal Transaction Unavailable. 1 - Black Magic Crystal - Endurance - Crafting Result. Critical Hit Damage +X% & All AP +X & All Damage Reduction -X (You can View Set Effects from your Equipment window. Equipping the processing stone allows the wearer to Mass Process (Shaking, Grinding, Chopping, Drying, Filtering, Heating). Method. You can learn about Magical Shard. You can look up the processing 'recipes' for basically anything on BDO Codex and it'll tell you what in what ranges your processing skill matters and what the results are for each range. Magical Shard. Quantity: In-game market price: Total weight of materials: 0. - Personal transaction unavailable. The stone contains the power of Krogdalo, the Spirit of. 5 - Magical Shard. You exchange magical shard with 40 alchemy seal. Required actions:50 – Magical Shard – Processing (L) > Heating: Sealed Black Magic Crystal or any yellow-grade Black Magic Crystal – Golden Tears of the Desert – RNG drop from chest reward via Atoraxxion weekly quest or rare mob drop. With this method, you can get 5 2. 1 thing you got wrong the price of magical shard is not 6mil but 5,4 mil because you have 10% chance te get 2x when heating :) So 7bil/8,5bil for pen, seems nice. 1x Hard Black Crystal Shard. Monster Damage Reduction +3. BDO Codex - the most complete and up to date database for the game!Magical Shard. On average its 40% more yield with less time spent. - Personal Transaction Unavailable. BDO Codex - the most complete and up to date database for the game!1. Recipe Processing/Heating Skill level: Beginner 0 - Crafting Materials. Craft calculator. Quantity: Total weight of materials: 0. - 1 ingredient of green grade can be replaced by 2-3 white grade ingredients and vice versa. . At higher skill levels you can use less materials and get more products. An essence that contains the condensed experiences of countless battles. - 1 ingredient of green grade can be replaced by 2-3 white grade ingredients and vice versa. 10 LT. - Open the Processing (L) window with the item equipped, and select Shaking, Grinding, Chopping, Drying,. - Usage #1: Press RMB to obtain one Black Magic Crystal according to a set probability. Magical Shard. Read More. Magical Shards are used to upgrade Guaranteed PEN Boss Gear and PEN Accessory. 1) Collect powders through daily Life Skill quests or by defeating monsters. BDO Codex - the most complete and up to date database for the game! Login. Casual grind for silver income and lifeskillers. 00%. - 1 ingredient of green grade can be replaced by 2-3 white grade ingredients and vice versa. Recipe Processing/Heating Skill level: Beginner 0. Processing (L) - Simple Alchemy with the following materials. Warehouse Capacity: 0. 1 shard, but lets just assume its 1 crystal for 1 shard. - Crafting Materials. A Black Stone crystal that can be transfused into a crystal socket. 10 LT. It was created by Camellia using magical power she extracted from ores. Basic Alchemy Ingredients #2: Make Purified Water by Filtering. NOTE: In the Black Desert the craft is heavily affected by your skill level. Recipe Processing/Heating Skill level: Beginner 0 - Crafting Materials. NOTE: In the Black Desert the craft is heavily affected by your skill level. Manos Belt. 1 - Black Magic Crystal - Assault - Crafting Result. NOTE: In the Black Desert the craft is heavily affected by your skill level. 0 comments. 1 - Magical Shard. 10 – Melody of the Stars – Processing (L) > Heating: certain blue grade PRI to TRI accessories1. Items Created From Black Crystal Shards. Magical Shard; ID: 3855. End NPC: - Hazel Azealia. Quantity: In-game market price: Total weight of materials: 0. Once successful, it will consume 10 magical shards and 100 pure iron crystals. Alchemy Catalyst, Clear Liquid Reagent: Buy an Alchemy. 90~115. Ingredient. Get a capturing rope and lump of raw sugar. The main quest line of several zones rewards a nice set of accessories. With your gathering stat at level 5 and using a sharp gathering tool, you should be gathering at about 2-3 seconds each action. Materials other than Magical Shards are easy to get. x50. - 1 ingredient of green grade can be replaced by 2-3 white grade ingredients and vice versa. NOTE: In the Black Desert the craft is heavily affected by your skill level. Burning Moonlight Black Stone Recipe. NOTE: In the Black Desert the craft is heavily affected by your skill level. BDO Streams. Magical Shard. 0 - Bahan Crafting. It'll bring out a mount's full potential. BDO Tools; Character Leveling; Character Stats; Combat; Bosses; Classes; Gear & Items; Lost Ark; Select Page. I assume you're using then for the sand ring, the earring and the rock belt. You get a Vell's Concentrated Magic. Show/hide full quest's text. Damn near everything Master+ is a loss. Just be very sure that. Craft calculator. Collect the seals to exchange them for an item of your choice. It can be used to repair accessories imbued with the powers of nature. Craft calculator. - EXP (100)With running BDO for 8 hours, the Crypt drops 2 to 3 vs Mountain of Division which gives 0 to 1 for 10 CP. I wasn't able to find similar charts from web for this, so I created my own and share it to all who is interested. - Black Stone Powder. Magical Shard x10 ※ Obtain Forest Fury by defeating monsters in Kamasylvia. Rallen1122 • 3 yr. Craft calculator. Weight: 0. Heating is a Processing method which allows a limited number of items to be heated, like metal ore to create metal shards. 1 - Brilliant Opal: NOTE: In the Black Desert the craft is heavily. BDO Streams. - Personal Transaction Unavailable.